Crockett Dunn, LLC

Crockett Dunn, LLC

helping your presence work for your business

Windows 7 Tip: Easy Tutorial Creator

While Windows 7 was in development, the engineers over at Microsoft had the smart idea to build a troubleshooting tool called, “Problem Step Recorder.” What this tool does is follow your mouse and record screenshots in order to document what you’re doing.  You can also enter notes as you go about recording your business.  It… Continue reading

The Current State of Popular-Inquiry According to Google

A recent study of Google’s suggestions for questions of the “WH” variety (who, what, when, where, why, how, which) revealed the following top themes (after normalization for celebrity a television media): Pregnancy, Marriage, Love, and Kissing Skills Weight Loss Poop The original study can be found here. This is the study.How:  Why: What: When: Where:… Continue reading

Feeding Froogle: Search Engine Marketing for E-Commerce

Remember when the Internet was simple? The all-important e-commerce beast Google Products was originally known as Froogle. Froogle was a pioneer in compiling products from many online stores and websites into one big “store front.” This idea we call “The Dog Pile” approach (by the way, dogpile.com was a pioneer in multi-engine key phrase searching,… Continue reading

SEO/SEM: Are People Searching For the Words You’re Paying For?

Business owners generally have a pretty good idea about what to say to their customers and what’s important to them. Why? Because they know them. But what about web-based, potential customers? Can you know customers you don’t have yet, can’t identify, and even once you acquire them might never meet? Internet search-engine-based marketing (or SEM,… Continue reading

Avoiding the 6 Hour Windows 7 Hunker-Down, or, “Zen and the Art of Restoring your Work Enviromnent.”

BEWARE (see below)* This month, many power users found their pre-release copies of Windows 7 expiring. As with many software pre-release-becomes-the-real-thing software events, a smooth upgrade (you know—so you keep your apps and settings?), was not an option. Time for the dreaded custom/advanced installation. The “clean install.” Let’s step back a moment and begin to… Continue reading

Two Cures for Boring Website Syndrome. Part 2: Content & Function

This is part two of our two part series on Boring Website Syndrome.. Part one can be found here, http://cdl.lc/two-cures-for-boring-website-syndrome-part-1-fashion/ When approached by new clients, there are a few common opening statements, requests, and complaints we hear, such as: I need “Help” with my website. I need a complete “Redesign” (which a lot of the… Continue reading

Two Cures for Boring Website Syndrome. Part 1: Fashion

This is part one of our two part series on Boring Website Syndrome.. Part two can be found here, http://cdl.lc/two-cures-for-boring-website-syndrome-part-2-content-function/ We were recently referred to a new client who asked us to make their website more engaging. The simplicity of the word, “engaging” is terrific. It’s more personal than interactive. More descriptive than customer-oriented or… Continue reading

Luddites: How May We Be of Service?

Years ago Dad came home from his business and informed us, “They took away my calculator and replaced it with a computer.” Like so many others during this time, he was pushed into accepting technology change. Just last month, Dad-in-law announced something similar. “I got a computer so I could look up specs on our… Continue reading

“However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results,” or, Winston Churchill & Search Engine Marketing IV: Conversion Analysis

If you enjoyed our riffing on Confucius, you’ll love what’s next. Ladies and Gentlemen, Sir Winston Churchill will now address your needs for Search Engine Marketing! Amazed that a man whose heyday was several decades before there was an Internet has so much to say on the topic? This will take four installments: “To improve… Continue reading