Crockett Dunn, LLC

Crockett Dunn, LLC

helping your presence work for your business

Search Enginge Marketing (SEM) and Optimization (SEO)

Any of you remember when Yahoo was one single web page? Back then, everything was a web page- no “sites” or “portals.” Just everyone and some companies had a nifty “Home Page.” Back then, I held the #1 Yahoo/Alta-Vista result for “Crockett,” because my Duke University Home Page was entitled, “Crockett… Crockett? Crockett!” This apparently… Continue reading

Announcing new Sungard EXP Web Users Blog- The More Brains The Better!

New Blog here, http://sungardexpweb.blogspot.com/ Announcing the Sungard EXP Web 5.x User Forum, a place to discuss a piece of software- a Content Management System (CMS)- which CDLLC uses to deploy some of its clients’ web-based applications. EXP Web, along with its predecessor Octane, are powerful, robust, Enterprise-Leve, functionality-packed application suites. With this power and complexity,… Continue reading

trust and the internet business relationship

Dear client, prospect, vendor, partner, team-member, or casual web surfer: At CDLLC, we constantly strive to keep everyone in the family satisfied, and in the process, each client places a lot of trust in CDLLC, for which we are very grateful. We also understand that it can be quite nerve-wracking to be that new client,… Continue reading

“HELP!!!! My Internet/Email is Broken!!”

“My Internet is Broken,” is perhaps the most common tech support request experienced by Information Technology professionals since the emergence of AOL, Mindspring, and Earthlink. AOL and Mindspring/Earthlink came along and offered the previously super-nerd-accessible-only INTERNET to the masses. There were two major results: This accelerated internet usage to the point where we are today…. Continue reading


Crockett Dunn, LLC, has spent years seeking out the very best people in every field related to web-based information technology:View Larger Map

What’s SQL Injection? Some new drug or something?

In a nutshell, “SQL injection” is a way to hack into a website, break it, or otherwise make a big mess of it. SQL is a database language, that uses statements like INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE. Think of SQL injection as analogous to Microsoft’s buffer overflow problems (you know those windows updates that you get… Continue reading

The Importance of the “Soft-Launch”

It is an essential part of the software development cycle to have REAL-LIFE, BUSINESS UESER, BETA TESTERS use the newly deployed web applications as part of a “soft-launch.” Experienced software architects and developers, you already know this truth: non-technical users, or even highly technical user that were not involved in the software development process, ALWAYS… Continue reading